The Miniatures Page, also known as TMP, is an online community for wargamers and miniature gamers or collectors. What began as a small miniature wargaming internet magazine, has since evolved into what some people claim as the internet’s largest virtual community of wargamers.
TMP was created in 1994 by Bill Armintrout, former editor-in-chief and art director at Steve Jackson Games (GURPS), designer and director for the Ultima VII Part II, The Serpent Isle and Pacific Strike video games.
As of April 2008 The Miniatures Page has nearly 19,000 members [1] from over 50 countries, with discussions taking place in 6 separate languages. As with any free to register web site the total numbers are likely to include inactive accounts and multiple accounts for some users. The site currently averages 7–8000 visitors per day [2].
The Miniatures Page members include gamers, painters, collectors, retailers, game designers, sculptors, authors, and historians, whose interests cover historical, fantasy, and science fiction gaming and figures. The community is dedicated to promoting the hobby through distributing industry news, product reviews, “how to” articles, convention promotion, and historical discussion.
The Miniatures Page has been noted on the Society of Ancients and the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society websites to be an excellent source of information on wargaming. If you want an obscure gaming related question answered quickly then a posting on TMP is very likely to get you an answer, or probably many answers.